5 Interesting Summer Activities for Pre-Kindergarten Kids


Pre-kindergarten littluns are highly enthusiastic when it comes to play and fun. They are like little blank minds learning how to be creative. You can use different creative art activities for pre-K kids to boost their creativity. It helps them think from a new point of view and introduces new ways to approach things.

When your 4-5-year-old gets enrolled in a summer kindergarten program near Alpharetta, Georgia, it’s both exciting for you and your kid. Because they are taking a step ahead of their learning journey.

The 2021 report on the state of preschool (pre-pandemic) from the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) reveals that 47% of the nation’s 4-year-olds and 16% of 3-year-olds have been provided early learning opportunities across all public programs, including preschool general and special education.

Let’s make your kid’s pre-K experience more fun and memorable using these activities you can easily play with them in summer.

Here are 5 Steps:

1. Rain splatter painting:

The best idea to be creative on a rainy day in your kid’s summer pre-kindergarten program is splatter painting. Let your kids experience the joy of splatter painting as it also counts as one of the fun art activities for pre-schoolers.

Let the kids use any color paint and draw something random on a thick paper. Now take it out in the rain and let some raindrops fall over it. Dry it with tissue paper and You will get a nice naturally textured amazing art piece.

2. Water balloon dodgeball:

Water activities and summer are a perfect duo. Water games are an easy way to keep kids cool and active during warm days of summer in your Pre-Kindergarten program in Alpharetta. For this fun activity, you will need balloons and inflate them with water. Now place each ballon with a kid on a designated area. Then, you can easily play dodgeball using these water balloons.

3. Woodshop:

Kids enjoy working with wood and learning how to use woodworking tools. Here’s a variety of kid-friendly woodworking projects. You can begin with easy projects, and as the youngsters gain confidence with woodworking equipment, you can progress to more focused projects such as birdhouses or hanging planters. 

If you don’t have a woodshop at your daycare center, popsicle stick projects are a great alternative. Check out this collection of 50 kid-friendly popsicle stick projects. Here are some suggestions:


Marble Mazes

Picture frames

Miniature hockey sticks

4. Bottle rockets:

Making bottle rockets is included in the most exciting summer camp activities. It can be done as an art project for kids as well. You will need a bottle, fill it with water, and set it upside down with the help of cardboard, sticks, bricks, or anything you have. Add a tablespoon of baking soda and vinegar, and here you have an amazing science experiment that will impress everyone.

5. Color mixing bottles:

Color mixing bottles is a very exciting and creative art and craft activity for pre-kindergarten homeschool programs.

You can do it by recycling used plastic water bottles. Fill it with water and let your kids use food dye of any primary color (red, blue, green) in it. 

Use one bottle for one color only. Then take another empty bottle, mix different amounts of dyed water, and shake. It will give a new color. That’s how your kid will learn color mixing while playing.

You can use any of these above-mentioned activities to keep your kids playful and active during their Pre-Kindergarten program playtime.

Play with your kids and ask which of these activities they liked the most!

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